Surviving Sin

     When someone "does you dirty" there are three things that are immediately in play, three things you must do to recover from the injury/sin done against you.

  1. The sin must be forgiven - sin is wrong, it's not fair, it's not the way it should be and justice must be served.  Forgiveness is trusting that God is just and that He can handle what has happened to you.

    Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it." - Rom 12:19
  2. The wound needs to be healed - all sin hurts and causes injury and wounds must heal.  God provides healing through grief.  Grief is suffering the loss, owning what happened to you and what it cost you.

    Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. - Matt 5:4
  3. What I believed about myself because of the sin must be overcome by the truth. -  When someone hurts me there is an instinctual reaction, I think "why would they do that to me? What have I done?  Many times, we draw the conclusion that we deserve what happened to us, to be sinned against, to be devalued and treated bad.  God teaches us that we are accepted in Christ.  God teaches us that in Christ we are precious and treasured.  The truth of God heals the lies inflicted in the wound.  

    you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people... -   1 Peter 2:9

     Friends, you will be hurt. Heal, grieve and forgive. Don't believe the lies. Believe in Christ and what He has done for His beloved people.

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