The Unchanging Jehovah

Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, which are borne by me from the belly, which are carried from the womb: And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.  - Isaiah 46:3-4

    He is always the same in Himself, and always the same to His people.  If you are indeed a believer in the Lord, and resting in Christ Jesus, He says to you at this time with regard to all the future unknown, and, perhaps greatly dreaded, “Do not be afraid, for I am the Lord your God; even to your old age I am He."

    Dear friends, we normally expect trials between here and heaven; and the ordinary wear and tear of life, even if life should not be clouded by an extreme trial, will gradually wear us out. We shall come, eventually, if life is spared, to that bottom of the hill where the eye grows dim, and the ear is heavy, and the arms are trembling, and the strong men bow themselves (Ecclesiastes 12:3).  Well, what then?  What does our God say concerning the days of decline and decay?  He says to us, “I AM HE." He will not grow weak.  His eye will not be dim.  His ear will not be heavy.  His arm will not be shortened that He cannot help us, nor His hand palsied that He cannot deliver us.  Change is written across the countenance of every mortal, but there are no furrows on the brow of the Eternal.

    If life should flow ever so smoothly, yet there are the rapids of old age, and the broken waters of infirmity, and the cataract of disease; and these we are apt to dread; but why?  Is not the Lord our trust?  Is it not certain that the Lord does not change?  Make this your strong confidence.  As for the young, you are strong, but do not boast about your strength; the Lord is our strength and our song.  As for you in die midst of life — do not tremble because of your difficulties; “Is anything too hardfor the Lord?"  As for you who are sinking into the decline of life, and know that very soon your tabernacle will be taken down, do not be afraid, for the Lord has not altered. Has He not said, "I am the Lord, I do not change?"  Let this be your delight.

    In the course of years, not only do we change, but our circumstances change.  Many look toward the trying circumstances in the declining days of life.  “When I cannot earn my livelihood;  when I cannot go out to the farm, or stand at the counter, or work on the bench, what will become of me then?”  Listen, my brother, if you are where you ought to be, your confidence is in God now, and you will have the same God then, and He will still be your Guardian and Provider.  He will be under no decay from age, nor decline from weakness.  His bank will not break, nor His treasury fail.  His granary will not be exhausted, and His bounty will not be worn out.  Trust in Him for what is written between the folded leaves of destiny, as well as for the page which lies open before you. If the infirmities of the body scare you, trust Him; and if the changing circumstances of vour life alarm you, trust Him; for He must be the same though heaven and earth should be dissolved.   He says, "Even to your old age I am He."

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