Our Only Comfort

     We are reminded of this daily in so many ways. My dearest friend’s dad has passed away and the comfort comes, amidst the grief, that our Sovereign God has all of our days numbered and there is nothing that is outside of His will….. ‘not a hair can fall’. It wasn’t a random thing that happened, it wasn’t an accident or luck or chance, it was His will, His purpose and we can rest in His will. We grieve, but as Christians we grieve with hope, not without, knowing that He doeth all things well!

“For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away” 1 Peter 1:24

     This is one of the biggest trials of life that we each will face at one time or another, death. There are issues that plague us daily in this vale of tears and the only TRUE comfort we can have is Jesus Christ. As a repentant idolater I know how easy it is to put my comfort in temporal things, temporal blessings. Family, friends, church, jobs, homes, money, health and all the temporal benefits each of those things and many more bring us. They are wonderful blessings and I thank God for them every day, but what if all of those temporal benefits were taken from us, each and every one of them? I think often on that because in my life the Lord has had to show me and teach me time and time again that my true and abiding comfort can ONLY be in Him. HE provides us with all that is needful for us and if we think we are lacking something we need, perhaps we should remember Who the Provider is! He alone is faithful and keeps His promises.

     Remember the song……”I’d rather have Jesus”? When death comes to a loved one, we have the One who created them and took them. When friends and family forsake us, we have the One who has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us, when we are despairing we have the only True friend who laid down His life for us, when we sin we have the Lamb, when we are lonely we have His Word, and the comfort is endless, because we belong to HIM!

     I pray that you will have this today, the True and Everlasting comfort, the Lord Jesus Christ!

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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