First Captive Thoughts!

     I wasn’t raised in the church and so I can’t say along with many that I never knew a time when I wasn’t a Christian, I can’t speak for their thoughts through their experience. However, I can speak of my own and I can vividly remember when I became aware of my thoughts being captive to Christ. In my mind it seemed that in one moment I didn’t believe and the next moment I did, for you see the Lord had by Grace, amazing grace, opened my ears to hear AND believe the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

     It was by the hearing of faith, a gift given, that I first came to a True knowledge of Christ, a knowledge of my sins forgiven by His work, not my own, a knowledge of my redemption by His blood, a knowledge of an alien righteousness that was now mine. I had been set apart, these were my first thoughts captive to Christ.

“But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption. (1 Corinthians 1:30)

     Did I understand this new revelation given to me, these new thoughts in their fullest sense? The answer you certainly know is ‘not at all’, it was only the beginning of bringing every thought captive. It is through the continued study of the Word and the understanding given by the Holy Spirit that we continue to grow in Grace and in knowledge and to know what the thoughts are that we are to bring captive, they are HIS thoughts.

     We are exhorted to rightly divide the Word of Truth , the Lord strengthens us in our faith through the Truth and He blesses us as we seek to know Him!

“Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established” (Proverbs 16:3)

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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