The Fruits of Grace!

I’m on a detour here today from my captive thoughts post for a word or two on one of the greatest Truths we will ever know…………..the Truth of Grace in Jesus Christ!

There is a fear amongst many that a focus on Grace will lead us to antinomianism, a fear that we will take that Grace and run with it to do whatever we want to. However, I believe and am reminded daily that this is not true, at least for me. In fact, it seems to me to be the opposite. The more I read, hear, study and am exhorted in the great Doctrines of Grace, the more I long to obey from my heart, the more I hate my sin and desire to be rid of it, the more I sow to the Spirit and not to the flesh, the more I seek Him, the more I know Him.

We are to examine our own selves and what are we to examine for but to see if we are in the faith. Do we stand in the grace of faith, do we live upon Christ, is everything we receive from the Giver of faith, does Christ dwell in us? So often we are told to examine and see what good works we have done because therin lies the fruit, but the greatest fruit of the Spirit is faith!

“For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:8-10)

“ that salvation can not be by any works of men, since all their works are either wrought for them, or in them, by God; salvation is a work wrought for them without them; and sanctification is a work wrought in them by God, of his good pleasure; and all their good works are fruits of his grace” (John Gill)

I will do good works only because God has prepared them and I will walk in them as He has ordained, all Christians will. All of my life is one of Grace in Christ Jesus, including my works!

I stand only in the Gospel of Grace in Jesus Christ, I can stand no other way!

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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