
Grace, the word itself brings comfort to a believer and I did a simple word study on my e-sword. Now I know that doesn’t make me a great theologian, but it does tell me what the scriptures say of Grace, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and I was greatly blessed by reading each and every scripture. How often in the epistles the saints are greeted by “Grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” It truly is the wonderful, matchless, particular and Sovereign Grace of God in Christ Jesus.

It is exceedingly abundant
Christ was full of grace
We are justified freely by it
It came by Jesus Christ
Through it we shall be saved
The promises are sure because of it
We have access into it by faith
Where sin abounds grace abounds more
It reigns through Christ’s righteousness
Election is of it
It is no more of works
The gifts we have are because of it
Our liberty is through grace
We are to abound in it
We are under it; therefore sin no longer has dominion
It is sufficient
The grace of Christ is the gospel
We were given it in Christ before the world began
Abundant grace brings thanksgiving
Don’t receive it in vain
By the grace of our Lord Jesus, we are rich
We can abound unto every good work because of it
It bringeth salvation
We come boldly to the throne of grace
We serve God acceptably by grace
We stand in it
We are called by it
Don’t frustrate it
We are accepted in the beloved by it
The riches of it brings redemption through His blood
We sing with it in our hearts
We know it in Truth only
We have everlasting consolation & hope through it
We grow in the knowledge of it

The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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