A Bit Philosophical

I am editing this blog because I believe I have left an erroneous thought in the minds of a few. Often, in this medium of communication we can assume that other's are aware of our minds and the thoughts within them. I ask that you forgive me for leaving such a thought in anyone's mind.

I said below that my study on the covenants perhaps would shed some light, I never, but never meant that it might TEACH anyone a thing. I meant it might shed some light on my decision to withdraw my membership from a 'Covenant Theology' church and my differences with the 3 forms of unity. I would never presume, nor do I have a desire to teach anyone anything. I am the one needing to be taught, by godly men, and the Holy Spirit. 

However, there are within Christendom differences in doctrine and godly men within those realms and when your conscience tells you that you that it is time to move in a different direction ( a young pastor has confirmed this from the pulpit several times), I believe to stay is hypocritical. We have very little tolerance oftentimes for those differences, but I knew it was time to leave and I don't believe that damms me to hell. 

I remember when I started this blog several years ago. It was and remains to this day a simple but profound way to put down MY own thoughts, MY own studies and the Truths that God continues to teach me. It is like a little diary, what a blessing it has been for that. It has never once been directed at anyone or contained something that I thought you needed to know (what a foolish assumption that would have been on my part). Today is a little bit different.

I have been accused of being combative and attacking by my writing, which is certainly only a perception, and one that I believe is false, as do others. Does the opinion of a few make something true? Does the 80% vs. the 20% necessarily make the majority right? If the opinion is in your favor it is easier to think that it is true isn't it? However we must always make judgments on the opinions of others. It is no different for me than it is for you. For years I took the opinions of others so to heart that even if I knew I wasn’t guilty of something I would adopt that opinion because of the sin of idolatry. It would be pleasing to whomever it was you see if I agreed. *icky icky* I shudder to this day when I think of ever placing man, his opinions, his words in that position again.

To remain respectful I decided it would probably be best to shut down and not write anymore but I know I cannot do that. Writing down the things I study in the Scripture helps solidify the truth and helps me to sort out the error. If you have read here very long you can attest to the glorious wonder of the growth in grace and in knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ of a weak and frail believer. We are told to study to show ourselves approved, the Lord has blessed tremendously.

However there popped into my mind (thank you Lord) a different solution. I will simply start another space and write to my hearts content; after all, it was never my intent that anyone read my writing. Possibly, there will be one exception to posting here and that will be when I finish my study on the Covenants, but again maybe not either. So that is what I am going to do. I am so excited to have a solution. If we keep in touch by blog I’d be glad to give you the link, if you ask.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,

Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” 1 Peter 1:3-5

A most blessed Christmas celebration to all!
Grace Always!

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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