A good day, a new word!

I had the day off today, it has been pleasant. I had to do a little trip to WalMart for birdseed but that means that spring is just around the corner and I’m ready for that. Ready to have the days longer, ready to water and mow the yard and see the green sprouts coming up be it flowers or grass or buds on the trees. Ready for summer, ready for heat.

Genesis 8:22 “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease” Thank you Lord!

Oh yes, the new word for the day is empiricism. I guess that is what I have fallen into, so the rumor is. The definition for this is as follows:

The view that experience, especially of the senses, is the only source of knowledge. 

Isn’t it funny that someone could say that by reading a few of my blogs and coming to that final conclusion, making a judgment I guess. The only source of true knowledge of course is the Holy Scripture applied to our regenerated mind by the Holy Spirit and that would be only to those who have a true living faith. Perhaps it is because I say things such as, isn’t it amazing, isn’t it the most wonderful truth or perhaps because I have this joy that I try and put into words, joy in who the Christ is, what He has done and what He teaches me about Himself. 

1 Peter 1:8 “Whom having not seen, ye love, in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory” 

Perphaps that is what I do, I try to speak of it and put it into words when I shouldn’t because the bible says it is unspeakable. I will ponder that for a time. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit as John Gill says this about joy from Galatians 5.

joy, even that which is in the Holy Ghost, and has him for its author. The object of it is God, not as an absolute God, but as a covenant God and Father in Christ; as the God of salvation, as clothing with the robe of his Son's righteousness, and as pardoning iniquity, transgression, and sin, full atonement being made by the sacrifice of Christ; who also is the object of this joy in his person, fulness, righteousness, offices, relations, and when beheld, embraced, and enjoyed in a way of communion. This joy, likewise, which is the produce of the Spirit, lies in spiritual things, and arises from an apprehension or good hope of interest in them, as justification, pardon, peace, adoption, and eternal glory; and is peculiar to such who have the Spirit, for a stranger intermeddles not with this joy, nor can he form any judgment of it, and is even unspeakable by the believer himself. Moreover, joy in the good of others, of fellow creatures and fellow Christians, in their outward and inward prosperity, in their temporal, spiritual, and eternal good, which, as it is a grace of the Spirit, may well enough be thought to be at least part of the sense of the word here; since it follows upon, and is joined with love.

It’s like the song we taught the little ones to sing in their Sunday school days. I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. Senses can certainly deceive us, each of us at different times in our lives. Let us rejoice though that God has given us joy in Him and in His Son, Jesus Christ and if we burst forth with song now and again, well, let us rejoice in that too. Amen?

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