Behold The Lamb of God

     The Jews were looking for Messiah to come as a great prophet or a great king. They understood nothing of a "Saviour-Priest," of a "Lamb of God." You would think these priests and Levites who ministered about the temple and the sacrifices would have inquired about THE SACRIFICE; but no, apparently they had no sense of sin; they were Abraham's seed. They would have welcomed him ON THE THRONE, but NOT ON THE ALTAR. "Behold the Lamb of God." 

  1. In Gen. 4:4 we have the Lamb typified. 
  2. In Gen. 22:8 we have the Lamb prophesied.
  3. In Exod. 12:5-7 we have the Lamb slain and the blood applied. 
  4. In Isa. 53:1-7 we have the Lamb personified – a man. 
  5. In John 1:29 we have the Lamb identified.
  6. In Rev. 5:6, 13 we have the Lamb magnified and glorified.
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