Christ's Particular Redemption

     A pastor once declared to a friend, "I want you to know that I no longer believe in particular redemption." When I heard this, I was shocked, but I was not surprised. I am always shocked when a man turns from the Gospel of grace to something else, especially when that person has studied the Scriptures, the ancient fathers, the character of God, the nature of sinners, and the covenant mercies of God in Christ. To deny effectual and particular redemption is to deny the very sum and substance of the Gospel is SUBSTITUTION. "Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness are my beauty and my glorious dress."

     I am not surprised when certain preachers decide they will no longer preach particular redemption, for it is without question THE MOST HATED truth in Scripture. Universal love and universal atonement are universally accepted by all of Adam's sons except those who, by the grace of God, have seen the Lord Jesus Christ as Isaiah saw His glory and spoke of Him. The preacher who denies particular redemption will have little opposition, for he has taken the offense from the cross. All cults, sects, denominations, and religious promoters have this in common- they believe there is a sense in which God loves all men and Christ died for the sins of all men.

     ..."If Christ died for all the sins of all men, then all men will be saved. If Christ died for some of the sins of all men, no one will be saved. However, if Christ died (as the Scripture teaches) for all the sins of His elect, then His elect will be saved."

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