All Things Are of God
2 Cor. 5:18

     The advocates of free-will and arminianism seek to arouse man's activity; preachers of God's grace in Christ seek to kill man's works once for all, to show men that they are lost and ruined in Adam, that their works and religious activities (apart from Christ) only ADD TO THEIR CONDEMNATION. They cry for men to stand up for Jesus; we seek to bring men down and make them feel that they are "a wretch undone without His sovereign grace." They feel that a man is saved when he says, "I can believe, I can pray, I can accept Jesus, I can do this and that." We hold that a man is never so near to the grace of God and salvation as when he feels that HE CAN DO NOTHING AT ALL WHICH IS ACCEPTABLE OR PLEASING TO GOD! When a man is brought to the dust of helplessness, guilt, and lostness, and cries, "Lord, be merciful to me, the sinner," then we think that God may be calling him and may have begun a work of grace in his soul. If there is one work, deed, or thing for men to do in order to be saved, then ALL THINGS are not of God, and we are all lost men. Thank God, "ALL THINGS ARE OF GOD WHO HATH RECONCILED US TO HIMSELF BY JESUS CHRIST" (II Cor. 5:18).

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