The Operation of God

“Buried with Him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with Him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised Him from the dead.” - Colossians 2:12

    You who believe the gospel know that you were the patient who was unable to effect a spiritual cure for your malady of sin. It was the almighty God who wrought a work within you; He is the great Physician of sin-sick souls. What a glorious Surgeon He is and what abilities He has! Note the words “are risen with Him.” Earthly surgeons operate on patients who are alive, but the heavenly Surgeon of sinners operates upon patients who are dead! If men are merely running a spiritual temperature, then perhaps a man-made cure might work, but if men are dead in sin, then all the supposed cures of the wisest religious leaders will avail nothing. Lifeless sinners need to be regenerated and no one can do that except that One who is life. The same power which resurrected our Savior from the tomb raises the spiritually dead. Praise God for His operating grace!

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