A Mighty Tower!

“The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Pro 18:10”)

I wrote a final post on my last subject “One Another’, but I deleted it because it had become redundant as there is only so much to say about the workings in an assembly of believers. We are each called to fulfill our own place and use our own gifts, for it is God who works in us to will and to do, it is truly that simple. We make it complicated with our sin!

It has been a long, long month of testing and trial and last night I started to sing a song that I used to sing all the time based on the above Proverb.

“The name of the Lord is a strong and mighty tower, the name of the Lord is a refuge for my soul.”

His name is His attributes and all He is makes up this strong tower, fortified! As a saint I can flee to the tower upon every occasion, when I am weary ,for rest, when I am weak, for His strength, His protection, I can have sanctuary in Him, my strong and mighty tower. I am safe for the tower is impenetrable, I am not consumed, but kept.

The righteous, by faith and prayer, devotion towards God and dependence on him, run into it, as their city of refuge. (Matthew Henry)

I long for the day when my faith will be made sight and I will never again leave the city of refuge. Until that time I pray that I will, by faith, believe that I am safe in the mighty tower, I need not fear this life, my circumstances, my enemies, nor man.

Even so, come Lord Jesus!

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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