Moving Forward!

The great conversion is over and in my department it went smoothly. We have settled in now to learning the new, forgetting the old and moving forward. I do better in the actual ‘doing’ so am thankful we have reached this state. Perhaps the majority of the added stress is behind us, we can always hope in that direction.

I have lots of books on my to read shelf (my special treat to myself is to order any book that I want to read) and have picked up a book by Herman Hoeksema entitle ‘Wonder of Grace’ which was first written in 1944. It is a small book and he says that “although it might seem well-nigh impossible to say anything about so thoroughly exhausted a subject that has not been said hundreds of times before, we may comfort ourselves with the thought that it may at least be possible to recall some very old truths in connection with our subject which are either forgotten or denied in modern times”


“It is a subject of great practical significance for the believer, one that never fails to arouse his interest. He realizes that it concerns his only comfort in life and death: either he is saved by grace only, or he must needs perish. Hence, he never grows weary of hearing the gospel of salvation by sovereign grace proclaimed and expounded unto him in all the riches of its implications. And as he grows in the knowledge of this truth, he will grow in the grace of the Lord Jesus.”

We use the word Grace daily, we think it daily and I have this question about it if someone who reads this would take the time to give their opinion. It might seem like a strange question; nevertheless it hangs about in my mind.

Is Grace itself a thing that God gives to us or is it an attribute of His and what we receive are the spiritual outworkings toward us which flow from that attribute called Grace? I’m hoping that someone’s mind thinks as mine does, but that in itself could be questionable. I’m hoping to do some word study on this as well and I’m going to try and post a bit of every chapter in this little book that I am going to read, I know that it will be a blessing to me to be reminded of the “Wonder of Grace” and Lord willing to grow more in the knowledge of it.

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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