Free Indeed

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed" (John 8:36).

     Someone said, "We are most free when we are most His, and we never stand so straight as when we bow to Him." The greatest freedom any person can enjoy is to be the Lord's servant. To know and to submit to His sovereignty, to love and to receive His covenant mercies, to believe and rest in His blood and righteousness, to have and to walk in His precious promises, to trust and to accept His divine providence and His will for me, to lay hold of, and to rejoice in, His good hope through grace is to be free indeed! God is true! All things are of Him, through Him, in Him, and for His glory. All things are given to the Son of God, and all things are revealed to us by Him. Christ is the truth! To know Him is to know the truth, to be in Him is to be in the truth, to have Him is to have the truth, to walk in Him is to walk in the truth and to be SET FREE -- free from the errors and fables of men, free from the traditions and ceremonies of religion, free from rituals and superstitions, free from the curse of the law, free to come boldly to the throne of grace in Christ and find mercy and grace!

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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