The God-Bought Church

Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hathmade you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.(Acts 20:28)

    Consider the redemption price that was rendered at the cross of Calvary. As Ephesians 1:7makes clear, God’s sheep have redemption “… through his blood,…” speaking of the blood ofChrist who in His incarnation took on the same flesh and blood (humanity) of those for whomHis blood was shed, only without sin. And yet, His wasn’t the blood of a mere creature but ofOne who is both God as well as man. It took the infinitely valuable blood of the God-man. Acts20:28 speaks of this when it refers to, “…the church of God, which he <God> hath purchasedwith his <God’s> own blood.” This is speaking of the blood of God – God, who is Christ. Thegreatness of redemption is magnified by the greatness of the Redeemer as we gain some idea ofthe immensity of the eternal blessings in Christ, by the immensity of His nature, the One whoalone could and did purchase the church – God and man in one glorious Person!

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