Do You Love Your Own Soul?

     Then pray to Jesus Christ for an awakened heart, for a heart so awakened with all the things of another world, that you may be allured to Jesus Christ.

     When you come there, beg again for more awakenings about sin, hell, grace, and about the righteousness of Christ. Cry also for a spirit of discernment, that you may know that which is saving grace indeed. Above all studies, apply yourself to the study of those things that show you the evil of sin, the shortness of man's life, and which is the way to be saved. Keep company with the most godly among the professors.

     When you hear what the nature of true grace is, defer not to ask your own heart whether this grace be in you. And take heed,

  1. That the preacher himself be sound and of a good life.
  2. That you take not seeming graces for real ones, nor seeming fruits for real fruits.
Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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