Tis a Thing I’m Glad to Know

    Many years ago I read John Newton's hymn or poem entitled, "Tis A Point I Long To Know."  It seem to me that  it emphasized doubt instead of faith.  In his epistles, the apostle John often says, "we know." We know because we believe God.  The Bible never glorifies unbelief.  Unbelief is not true humility and believing is not pride if we believe what God has told us.  Later, I wrote a hymn or poem myself that speaks of the assurance God's elect have as they trust and rest in Christ alone.  


Tis a thing I’ glad to know,
(Oft it gives me joy divine),
How my Savior loves me so,
I am His, and He is mine!

If He died that I might live,
Why be dull and lifeless now?
I must praise to Jesus give;
To His name exalted bow.

Though my heart be hard and vain,
From His sovereign throne above
Christ who suffered all my pain,
Makes me know again His love.

When I turn my eyes within,
All is dark, and vain, and wild;
But the sight of Christ again,
Makes me know I am His child.

If I pray, or hear, or read,
Sin is mixed with all I do;
But His precious blood I plead,
And they always do me good.

I know Whom I have believed,
And persuaded now I am.
All committed unto Christ
Is secure within His hand.

Now I joy His saints to meet,
Love the ways I once abhorred.
Find His promise always sweet,
Seek the presence of my Lord.

Lord, upon our dials trace,
Thou, who  art Thy people’ Sun,
Shine upon Thy work of grace
And complete the work begun.

Let me love Thee more and more.
For the grace of love, I pray.
Since you loved me long before,
Help me love You more today!

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