With All Lowliness

With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love. - Eph 4: 2

    If I am somebody special, as religion would have folks believe, and you can't spell church without me, then I will expect to be treated like the dignitary that I am (Matt. 23:6). If I am overlooked or neglected in some way, I will quickly be offended, and will be quick to make it known.

    But if I am nothing, you will have a hard time offending me. If all that I am, have, and know is of free grace, then I will not covet what I do not have, wish to be what I am not, or envy those who know more than I. If I deserve Hell, then when I am slighted somehow, whether intentionally or not, I will count it a small thing. If I love you, and prefer your honor to my own, I will be careful to cover your faults, and always think the best of you.

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