Look Every Man on the Things of Others

Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. - Philippians 2:4

    The failure of most preachers is traced not to the fact that they do not have a pastor's head, voice, and energy, but they do not have a pastor's heart! The failure of most church members and professing christians to be a blessing to family, friends, and outsiders is not that you do not have the proper doctrine, the proper moral integrity and enthusiasm for the truth, but you don't have the proper attitude and love for others! If you don't really love people (sinners and saints), they sense it; and they not only won't love you, they won't listen to you. If you are not really concerned about the everyday problems and burdens of others, they don't want to hear you talk about their spiritual problems. Most fundamental, separated religionists I know are of a big head, a big mouth, and a small heart. They want to talk about the "things of the Lord," but have little concern for the things of others.  Don't blame all your loneliness on the gospel.  Much of it is caused by an unlovely personality.

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles Churchianity Neo-Gnosticism
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