Some Thoughts About Christmas

     Some of the Lord’s people choose to celebrate Christmas while others are opposed to any observance whatsoever. As children of God, we have the freedom to observe or not observe, but mindful that whatever we do must be for His glory. I dare not infringe upon your liberty or impose my convictions upon you, nor should you encroach upon mine.

     While there is no biblical command for celebrating the birth of Christ, neither is a remembrance of His birth forbidden. I realize so much that has to do with Christmas is of pagan origin, including the name. Christmas means the mass of Christ. We know that the mass of Catholicism is a sacrificing of the Son of God all over again, whereas the Word of God declares that “Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18). 

     There is no question but what the world’s observance of Christmas has little if anything to do with the worship and adoration of Christ Jesus. Yet, having said that, there is much I like about Christmas. I enjoy hearing “Joy to the World” and other hymns sung while walking through some store. Whether or not others understand the meaning of these great hymns, I do and am led to worship. At Christmas, whether they like it or not, multitudes must face the reality of the virgin birth of our Savior. When Handel’s, “The Hallelujah Chorus” is sung, all who hear are confronted with the sovereign Christ. The words to that song are all taken directly from the Scriptures: “Hallelujah: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.” “King of kings and Lord of lords.” “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever.” What glorious words!

     On the secular level, it seems people are a little nicer to one another at Christmas and that is refreshing. I like the tasteful, non-idolatrous, decorations. Lighted trees, poinsettias and wreaths on the doors are all cheerful adornments to our homes. In addition, the giving of gifts is a wonderful thing. It is delightful to see people seeking the joy of others, as the Savior said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). At Christmas, families tend to spend more time together, which is always a good thing. It is a national holiday and folks seem to slow down, if only for a day, and that’s beneficial to everyone. For many employees it is a paid holiday, which is always welcomed. But above all, Christmas gives us another opportunity to proclaim the glories of our Savior and declare the reason for His incarnation. Most people acknowledge His virgin birth, but do not know that the reason He came was to save His people from their sins by His substitutionary death and resurrection. Let us use this time to declare who He is, why He came, what He did while He was here and where He is now.

     Do we esteem December the 25th above any other day of the year? Why of course not! We do, however, highly esteem Christ and we are grateful that, despite the opposition of many, His Name continues to be extolled throughout a vast part of this world, if only at one season of the year. “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift” (2 Cor 9:15).

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