Borrowed Time and Bags!

My niece told me tonight that I had bags under my eyes and she is right, I do. There is a time for every purpose under heaven we are told and some of the times are a greater measure of hardship and grief than others.

My husband spent some time in the hospital last week for a bowel obstruction (which seemingly is beginning to happen again). There wasn’t a definite diagnosis with a solution as of yet, the last time we went through this it took 3 hospital trips and then surgery to relieve the trouble. But in doing a CT scan of his stomach they found 3 aortic aneurysms which if/when they rupture death will occur. He has opted not to do surgery on these but to leave them alone.

As we settled in to the hospital room the nurse said to me “He is living on borrowed time” and my very thought was…..aren’t we all? Who among us knows how many days that the Lord has given to us for those days are truly in His Hand, not a hair can fall without the will of my Father in heaven. Perhaps my time is shorter than his, we simply do not know. So we wait but life goes on doesn’t it? We have a bit of knowledge that we didn’t have before, but we still get up each morning and do the same things that we have done every other day.

One of the things that we have always done in our 37 years of marriage is to NEVER leave each other’s presence without a kiss goodbye and a word of endearment. Actually picture 3 short kisses in a quick succession which has always been our practice even when we have been angry with one another. It is the memory I want to have if it should be the last time I see him, think of it and the next time you part for a time from your spouse or your children or whomever, give them a kiss won’t you?

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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