Save Yourselves from this Untoward Generation

     As Peter, the apostle, closed His great sermon on the day of Pentecost, he cried, "Save (deliver) yourselves from this untoward (crooked, perverse) generation." He was saying, "Come out from, separate yourselves from a perverted and wicked people. Do not adopt their ways, their philosophies, nor their ideas and perish with them. Turn to the way of our Lord."

     I take up his cry today and exhort all of you young people to deliver yourselves from your generation which is crooked and perverted, especially in the matters of family, marriage, and sex. Their thoughts toward these and their acceptance of homosexuality is shameful and wicked and will bring God's wrath on this nation, as it brought His wrath on Sodom. "Marriage is honorable in all, and the marriage bed is undefiled and holy before God. But whoremongers, adulterers, homosexuals, fornicators, idolators, effeminate, and abusers of themselves with mankind shall not inherit the kingdom of God" (Heb. 13:4; I Cor. 6:9).

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