There Am I in the midst!

Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”

It’s a glorious blessing to gather with fellow believers and to know that as you are gathered in His Name, there He is. Personally I, as with countless others, believe the simplicity of what Christ is saying here. When two or three of His body are gathered together, be it for the Lord’s Supper, for study, for worship, for listening to the Word spoken or even for fellowship He is there. We call upon His name as we pray and it is as John Gill says: 

Mat 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together,.... This seems to be said in opposition to a Jewish notion, that a number less than ten, is not a congregation (a); whereas, though the number is ever so few that are met together to pray to God; or to hear his word, attend on his ordinances, or do the business of his house, or transact any affair that is for the glory of God, and the good of souls, in my name, says Christ; that is, by his authority, depending on his assistance, calling upon his name, and making use of it, and seeking the glory of it: 

there am I in the midst of them; presiding over them, ruling in their hearts, directing their counsels, assisting them in all they are concerned, confirming what they do, and giving a blessing and success to all they are engaged in. The Jews, though they say there is no congregation less than ten, yet own that the divine presence may be with a lesser number, even as small an one as here mentioned (b). 

"Ten that sit and study in the law, the Shechaniah dwells among them, as it is said, Psa_82:1. From whence does this appear, if but five? from Amo_9:6, from whence, if but three? from Psa_82:1, from whence, if but two? from Mal_3:16, from whence, if but one? from Exo_20:24.'' 

And again (c), 

"two that sit together, and the words of the law are between them, the Shechaniah dwells among them, according to Mal_3:16, from whence does it appear, that if but one sits and studies in the law, the holy blessed God hath fixed a reward for him? from Lam_3:28.'' 

Thank you Lord that you take heed of your sheep in each and every situation and that you consider their doings as unto Thee, and thank you that you hear even one who calls upon you from a renewed heart and mind. 

Grace and Peace!

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