O Holy Night!

A friend told me once that she didn’t like this song because there was nothing holy about the night; I suppose she was only thinking of perfection in a moral sense or of worshipping the night itself. Of course up until that night there had never been any moral perfection in the entire world, not even in Adam and Eve; perfection doesn’t fall! 

However this night was the night that was sanctified or set apart in timeless eternity for the birth of the only true Holy One, our dear Savior Christ the Lord! It was a holy night; it was divine in that sense and we can listen and sing this song with gladness as it inspires awe in us just as it inspired awe in the shepherds. Oh yes, the world was mired in sin and error pining until He appeared and the angles proclaimed:

“Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among 
Men with whom He is pleased”

We don’t fall on our knees to worship the night but we fall on our knees to worship the One who was born that night and we rejoice with those who rejoice that He has come. We can take this time to remember that there was a divine night when He came willingly to humble Himself and take on flesh, flesh as ours yet without sin. 

Oh Savior divine, thank you for the new and glorious morn! 

A Blessed Christmas to all the saints as we praise His Holy Name!

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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