Young Preachers

     The young men whom God has raised up in this day should be heard. They are God's instruments to destroy the old foundation of flesh and build a new foundation of grace. Look in the Bible and in history and see how God has used youth, which is so hated by the world. The things which the world counts but dung, God uses to accomplish His purpose and glory. The world puts much stock in experience, age, and ability. Good depends on none of these things. The Lord said to Jeremiah, "Say not that you are a child, go and tell them what I shall say unto thee." Paul said to Timothy, "Let no man despise thy youth." Spurgeon began his mighty work at the tender age of 19. The entire city of London laughed at the Park Street Church when it called the nineteen-year-old Spurgeon as its pastor. In ten years he was preaching to over 5,000 people every Lord's day. Calvin finished his famous Institutes, which are read today by scholars in every nation, at twenty-six years of age. David Brainerd traveled thousands of miles on horseback, wrote his famous diary, was God's instrument to bring revival to the Indians, and died before he celebrated his thirtieth birthday. Robert M. M'Cheyne was mightly used of God and died at twenty-nine. John the Baptist came on the scene and finished his work at thirty-two. The Lord Jesus fulfilled His earthly ministry in three-and-one-half years and died for His people at thirty-three.

     There is no such thing as a young preacher or an old preacher when it comes to preaching the Word of God, for truth comes not by education but Divine revelation. Young and old are liable to error, especially if they are depending on the flesh for message or method. May our years benefit us nothing if they serve only to lead us away from that child-like faith in the power of God. If a man is known as a young fool for the truth's sake now, I pray that in fifty years he will be known as an "old fool" for Christ's sake. Our Lord is sovereign in the selection of His servants, and uses them so as to receive all the glory Himself.

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