What Did Isaiah See?
Isaiah 6:5

"Then said I, woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts" (Isa. 6:5). 

     What was Isaiah's response to this awesome revelation of God's presence and holiness?

  1. HE SAW HIMSELF! A man may look at others and say, "I thank Thee, Lord, I am not like other men." A man may look at the written law and say, "I am blameless." But if a man is exposed to the absolute holiness and righteousness of God, he must cry, "Woe is me! I am cut off."
  2. HE SAW THE EVIL OF HIS HEART–The source of his problems. But he cried, "I am a man of unclean LIPS." That's true, but "out of the heart, the mouth speaketh." Unclean lips are the outlet and result of an unclean heart.
  3. HE SAW THE RUIN OF ALL THE SONS OF ADAM–religious and otherwise! The fall of Adam is universal and complete. There are none good, none righteous, none that understand, and none that see God!

     In Isaiah 40 he reveals the three-fold message of the gospel–(1) "All flesh is grass," (2) "The word of our God shall stand forever," and (3) "Behold your God will come and His record is with Him."

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