Suggested by some remarkable passages in Re 21; particularly by that which immediately follows.
He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. - Rev 21:5
As the opening of the present year has recalled a train of reflections, which have not been wholly useless to myself, I transmit the substance of them to the press; at the same time, breathing up any earnest wishes to the great Sovereign of eternity and Author of time, in behalf of my readers, and of myself, that, together with a new year, he would be graciously pleased to give us new hearts, and enable us to lead new lives; renew and brighten our experiences and our evidences; give us new hold on the everlasting covenant; and write the law of faith and obedience, by the finger of his Spirit, on our inmost souls, more deeply, more feelingly, more comfortably, and more visibly than ever. So shall we rise into an increasing meetness for that state of glory, where the distributions of duration are not measured and regulated by a created sun; but Jesus, the uncreated and eternal sun of righteousness, shines, and will for ever shine, on the whole choir of his glorifying and glorified people. - Phosphore, redde diem! (Editor's note - translation : Morning Star, restore the day!)
A considerable part of the following meditation refers to the doctrine of the millennium: a doctrine which many excellent persons are inclined to disapprove. It may be proper to assure these, that as much as relates to that article, is inserted, not with a view to offend, or to perplex the mind of any man; much less, with an intention to obtrude my own private opinion upon other people, or even to proselyte a single reader to the belief of it: least of all, with a desire to raise any controversy about it. But, as the question is naturally connected with the present occasion, I could not have done justice to the subject, without touching on that string: and I have endeavoured to touch it as concisely, as tenderly, and as inoffensively, as I was able. If I have erred, I hope I shall not displease: for which, I throw myself on the public candour.
Jan. 1, 1775.