Christ is All

The scriptures declare in Col. 3:11, "Christ is all and in all." Those who believe Him and His covenant promises are convinced in heart and soul that CHRIST IS ALL!

  1. Then if Christ is indeed all to me, the loss of anything in this world for His sake would be no loss at all. Paul said, "I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord."

  2. If Christ is all, then I can say at all times with Jacob, "I have everything" (Gen. 33:9-11). Esau said, "I have plenty," but Jacob said, " I have EVERYTHING." He, of God, is made unto us all things.

  3. If Christ is all to me, then the pleasures, profits, and honors of this world will not interest nor influence me since they can add nothing to me nor take anything from me that really matters.

  4. If Christ is all, when I stand before the tribunal of the eternal God, I will lack nothing that is necessary for eternal life and glory!

"They to whom Christ is all, 
Though lost and ruined by the fall,
Shall see all danger over, past,
Shall stand the storm and live at last;
For what Christ said will be fulfilled,
On this Rock believers build;
His blood shall stand, His truth prevail
Not one word or promise fail."

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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