John Gill's Final Words to His Nephew

     I depend wholly and alone upon the free, sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love of God; the firm and everlasting covenant of grace; and my interest in the persons of the Trinity for my whole salvation; and not upon any righteousness of my own, nor on anything in me, or done by me under the influence of the Holy Spirit; nor upon any service of mine, which I have been assisted to perform for the good of the church do I depend; but upon my interest in the persons of the Trinity, the free grace of God, and the blessings of grace streaming to me through the blood and righteousness of Christ, as the ground of my hope. These are no new things to me, but what I have been long acquainted with and what I can live and die by! I apprehend that I shall not be long here, but this you may tell to any of my friends.

I have nothing to make me uneasy,
He raised me from the depths of sin,
The gates of gaping hell;
And fixed my standing more secure
Than ‘twas before I fell.

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