Our Name is Mephibosheth
Mephibosheth is a great picture of how God saves His covenant children for Christ's sake.
- Mephibosheth was the grandson of a fallen king, i.e. Saul, and so are we as we are by nature the fallen sons of Adam. (Romans 5:12)
- Mephibosheth "was lame on both his feet" (II Samuel9:13), because of a fall, and so are we. We were all born dead in sin with no ability or desire to seek God (John 6:44; Ephesians 2:1-3).
- Mephibosheth was the object of a covenant made between David and Jonathan (I Samuel 20:11-17, II Samuel 9:1,7). WE who are saved by God's grace in Christ were and are the objects of an everlasting covenant made between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 1:1-13; Hebrews 13:20)
- Mephibosheth did not come to the king's house of his own free will. He was "fetched." (II Samuel 9:5) - "taken, laid hold of, seized, bought, and brought." (John 6:37; 12:32) King David did not ask Mephibosheth to come to him. He sent his servant to bring him to the palace. Christ saved us and brings us to Himself by the work of the Holy Spirit in the new birth. (John 1:12-13)
- Mephibosheth feared the king's wrath until he heard the king's word. (II Samuel 9:6-7) We by nature fear God's wrath and seek to hide behind false refuges, but Christ speaks words of mercy and love in the Gospel. He draws us to Himself as He tells us of His great sacrifice for our sins, the satisfaction and righteousness he established for us. (Romans 3:21-26; I John 4:10)
- Mephibosheth expressed his own unworthiness- "And he bowed himself, and said, What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" (II Samuel 9:8) When the Holy Spirit shows us our sin and brings us by faith to Christ, we, like Mephibosheth, whose name means "utterance of shame," express our unworthiness and proclaim Christ alone as worthy. (Revelations 5)
- Mephibosheth ate CONTINUALLY at the king's table as one of the king's sons. We who are saved by the blood of Christ are children of God, and we feast at His table forever even thought we are still lame on our feet. Even as saved sinners, born again by the Holy Spirit, we still have no power or ability of our own - "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." (Phil. 2:13) We are already complete and perfect IN CHRIST, but not yet in ourselves. We will one day be perfect within ourselves when we are glorified together with Christ. (Titus 2:13; I John 3:2)
Bill Parker grew up in Kentucky and first heard the Gospel under the preaching of Henry Mahan. He has been preaching the Gospel of God's free and sovereign grace in Christ for over thirty years. After being the pastor of Eager Ave. Grace Church in Albany, Ga. for over 18 years, he accepted a call to preach at Thirteenth Street Baptist Church in Ashland, KY. He was the pastor there for over 11 years and now has returned to pastor at Eager Avenue Grace Church in Albany, GA
Published: Jul, 13 2019 Updated: Apr, 5 2021
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