What We Need

     What we need in this thing of salvation is not merely to be acquainted  with Christ but to have His righteousness! It is nothing to reform a  man, to get him religious and make some decisions for Jesus, but what is needed is regeneration from the Holy Spirit. “But when it pleased God,  who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son IN me….” (Gal 1:15,16a). The passage did not say to reveal Christ TO me but IN me, now there’s the difference for sure; that’s the problem with today’s preaching, the pulpiteer is more interested in the facts and trivia surrounding the Son of God than he is in the Person of Christ. In John’s gospel and the 14th chapter Christ himself is saying the same thing when he mentioned ‘At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father and ye in me and I IN you.’ We must have a vital union with Christ Jesus for there to be life! He has eternal life and this life is IN Him; ‘…Christ IN you, the hope of glory’ (Col. 1:27). Do you abide with Him, in Him? If not you will wither and fall away like the grass that dries up and blows away or the chaff that is sifted from the threshing floor. Oh, to be found IN him not having mine own righteousness! 

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