Recognizing Leprosy

“And there came a leper to Him…" - Mark 1:40

     As I looked at this passage of scripture I thought to myself, ‘not many people in this country think too much or even know very much about this disease of leprosy’.  I wondered and noted that this is exactly what people think about sin in our day…that is they DON’T THINK ABOUT IT. It is in some one else, it is in a far away country and does not apply directly to me…it’s a third world country problem; so they say about leprosy, so I say about you who know nothing of the blackness and corruption within our own hearts! Oh may the blessed Holy Spirit cause us to be made aware of the iniquity within and the vileness that permeates all that we do! Then and only then will we react the same way this poor leper did…’came to Him, beseeching Him and kneeling down to Him and saying to Him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean’!

     Clean, whole, forgiven and this done so ‘immediately; that’s what I want, that’s what I need. Have you been made to see this is you, this is what God sees’ when He looks at you and I without the blood of Christ over us, in us and for us? 

     Just because sin is something we may think is small or insignificant doesn’t mean it won’t throw you head long into Hell itself! Come to Him my friend, Come to Him bowing and owning His sovereign right to damn you or cleanse you; may He ‘will’ your cleansing today for His great name’s sake.

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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