Come... But you Can't

Is it contradictory to tell someone to come and drink from the River of Life freely, but then tell them they are unable? Should we just tell men to come to Christ and leave out the part about God’s sovereign election and man’s total inability? Many would say we are just confusing the message and restricting the free offer of salvation by telling men they can’t come unless the Father makes them willing by His irresistible grace which is according to His will and good pleasure. Why is it necessary when commanding men to come to Christ to tell them they can’t? Why are total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, and irresistible grace essential elements of the gospel? One simple reason. Without these truths, men will make a work out of coming. Without these truths men will be led to believe that God has done His part, now it is up to you to come. No, men must trust Christ for their coming also. If you bring anything to the table of salvation, even your coming, then grace is no longer grace and you are left in your sins. The Lord will do it all ... or He won’t do it at all.

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
Views: 119