God's Imputation is not Pretend or Make Believe

     Those who would portray or characterize the Biblical doctrine of imputation (the sins of God's elect imputed to Christ and HIS righteousness imputed to all for whom He died, as taught in 2 Corinthians 5:21), as "God pretending" (or a mere pretense) do not understand the Biblical doctrine of imputation. Christ was truly MADE SIN for His people by imputation, and this was so real that He actually came under the curse of the law and the wrath of God for His people. It was so real that because of it He had to suffer unto death for His people. It was so real that as their Surety and Substitute, He fully satisfied the justice of God so much so that their sins cannot justly be imputed to them. It was so real that by His death they are all fully, eternally, and unchangeably justified by His righteousness imputed to them. It was so real that Almighty God (Who must judge according to truth and cannot pretend or lie) views them as truly justified. It was so real that because of His death they are all given spiritual and eternal life in the new birth and brought to faith in Christ, preserved unto glory, and will live forever with Him.

Topics: Gospel Distinctives
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