It is Finished

"It is finished!" Go, ye heralds of salvation, into all the world and proclaim the joyful tidings! Cry aloud and spare not; lift up your voice like a trumpet and publish to all men that the work of the cross is finished, that the great Mediator, "made perfect through sufferings," has become "the author of eternal salvation to all them that obey him;" "is of God made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption!" Go, teach the de-graded Pagan, the deluded Mohammedan, and the super-stitious Papist that the finished work of Jesus is the only way of acceptance with God. Go, tell the polished scholar, the profound philosopher, and the vaunting moralist that the doctrine of Christ crucified is the only knowledge that can save the soul! Go, say to the proud skeptic, the bold blasphemer, and the polluted libertine, "Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world!" Preach it to the gasping sinner upon his death-bed and to the sullen murderer in his cell! Let it ring in every human ear and thrill in every human heart, till the gladness of earth shall be the counterpart of heaven!

"It is finished!" The word smote on the walls of the celestial city and thrilled the hosts of heaven with ecstasy unspeakable. How must "the spirits of just men made perfect" have leaped with joy to hear that the Captain of their salvation was victorious over all His enemies and that the work He had engaged to do for them and their brethren was completed! And with what wonder and delight must the holy angels have witnessed the triumph of Him, whom they were commanded to worship, over the powers of darkness!

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