
     How can a believer doubt when he knows that he is represented before the throne of God by an advocate, even ― Jesus Christ the Righteous?

     It is the privilege of the very feeblest believer to know that he was represented by Christ on the cross, that all his sins were confessed, borne, judged, and atoned for.

     This is a divine reality; and when laid hold of by faith, it must give peace; but nothing short of it can ever give peace.

     There may be earnest, anxious, and most sincere desires after God; there may be pious and devout attendance upon all the laws, offices, and forms of religion; but there is no possible way in which to get the sense of sin entirely removed from the conscience but by seeing it judged in the person of Jesus Christ as a sin offering on the cursed cross.

     If it were judged there once for all, it is now to be regarded by the believer as a divinely, and therefore, eternally settled question; and it was so judged, as proven by the resurrection of the Surety.

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