The Savor of Christ
II Cor. 2:14-16

     The apostle gave thanks unto God because as he preached Christ, God always made him to triumph and made manifest the savor (spread abroad the knowledge of Christ) as the savor of a sacrifice. This savor is unto God a sweet savor of Christ in them that are saved. The preaching of Christ is a savor of life and death, and as Christ is preached, he is life to them who believe, receive, bow to, and rejoice in Him as their only pleas and righteousness before God.

     But even as Christ is preached, He is a savor unto death in them that perish - to them who won't believe, won't receive, won't bow to, and don't rejoice in Christ. They feel they don't need the savor of a sacrifice before the holiness and justice of God. When the gospel is preached, there are two things always taking place (even though most are unaware of it); some are being prepared for glory, others are being hardened. Some are being brought to the light, some are left sitting in darkness. Some see Christ and His glory, others see no beauty about Him. Some who hear the gospel have their hearts made tender towards sin, others have their hearts hardened in sin. No wonder we say, "Who is sufficient for these things"? The question we should all be asking is, "How is the preaching of the gospel affecting me"?

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