That I may Win Christ
Phil. 3:8

     What does it mean to WIN CHRIST? It doesn't mean that we can win His favor, or win His blessings by some act that we do, nor does it mean that we can win His special attention and get Him to do something special for us because we have done something to receive special treatment from Him. That can't possibly be what it means; for that is earning not winning Christ. You may say, "Well, preacher, if it doesn't mean these things, what does it mean?"

     When the apostle talked about his desire to WIN CHRIST, I believe he meant mainly one thing. It was that Christ Himself was the prize; Christ Himself was the goal for him. Christ became all in all. In the light of our Lord's glorious Person and His accomplished redemption, Paul counted everything else but dung and rubbish; willing to lose all, his own ambition, opportunities and attainments in the world. He counted anything that would detract from Christ's glory, that would hinder his conformity to His Lord as loss.

     Our Lord Jesus Himself said it like this, "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever will lose his life for My sake and the gospel's the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:35-36).

"If you don't count all loss for Christ in this world, it will be your eternal loss."

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