Anxiety, You've Met Your Match

“Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you." - 1 Peter 5:7   

    Anxiety, you’ve met your match.  Worry, you will finally be brought down where you belong.  Fearful care, you will not be missed.  Worldly pulling and tugging, I cannot even feel you or sustain you any longer.

    Child of God, listen to Peter with me, will you?  Struggling brother, let us together do as we are exhorted to do here in this wonderful text: Cast every single issue that would distract, harm and rob us of our peace as it is in the God-Man.  Do not doubt the text; do not question the Redeemer’s abilities and sovereignty over every circumstance in your life.  Thrust, and I mean heave, all those things upon HIM that may cause you to fret and not fully worship Him today, those mind troubles that keep you occupied and deprive you from fellowshipping with me and the rest of the flock here today.  I need your warmth.  I need your help in things spiritual.  I need your wisdom as shared in Christ!  So, will you with me … cast our cares upon Him?  FOR He cares for us!  If this is all I am able to grasp today, then it has been a very good day indeed!

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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