John Bunyan on Prayer

     When John Bunyan stepped into the pulpit to preach his last message on August 21, 1688, he bowed his head to pray. Prayer with Mr. Bunyan was very real; and when he would pray, he always asked himself, "to what end, O my soul, art thou retired to this place? To converse with the Lord in prayer? Is He present? Will He hear thee? Is He merciful; will He help thee? Is thy business concerning the welfare of thy soul? What words wilt thou use to move His compassion?"

     With bowed head his prayer begins, "We are but dust and ashes; Thou the great God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! We are vile sinners; Thou art a Holy God! We are as poor, crawling worms! Thou art the omnipotent Creator! MAY OUR HEARTS BE WITHOUT WORDS, O LORD, RATHER THAN OUR WORDS WITHOUT HEART! Give us, therefore, the true spirit of prayer, which is more precious than thousands of gold and silver."

     - edited by Donald Bell

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