I Know Thy Works

I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars. - Rev 2:2

    To me, this statement is both awesome and wonderful, fearful and comforting. On the one hand, we may deceive others or even ourselves, but He says, “I know… “– how sobering! On the other hand, we may be misinterpreted, misquoted, disbelieved, and disallowed, but He says to our hearts, “I know…” – how comforting! What a majestic and gracious Saviour we have. How God He is, “One with the Father” (John 10:30). And how man He is, “One with His people” (Hebrews 2:11).

    When, with trembling heart, I ponder the fact that he knows ME – my sin, my darkness, my unbelief, my unfaithfulness, my weakness, my foolishness, and my emptiness – I “Rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory,” that I know HIM – His righteousness, His light, His faith, His faithfulness, His strength, His wisdom, and His fullness. What a full, complete, and wonderful Saviour He is, to otherwise helpless and hopeless sinners!!! How quickly, swiftly, and gladly my heart flies to HIM when He says to me, “I know…”Though I see as through a dark glass, yet I am so thankful that I know Him (John 17:3),“or rather are known of God” (Galatians 4:9).

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