Necessary Obedience and Good Works

 “And let ours also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful.” (Titus 3:14)

    For true believers obedience to God and good works are not options.  They are necessities. They are necessary not in order to gain, maintain, earn, or deserve salvation or any part of it but because of the grace of God in and by the Lord Jesus Christ in redeeming, regenerating, and preserving us. They are necessary because of the life of Christ within us and the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. They are necessary as evidences of grace, life, and love within. They are no part of the righteousness by which we are justified. That is exclusively the righteousness of Christ imputed to us.  They do not make us holy or holier. That too is the work of Christ in whom we are as holy as we will ever be. They do not earn us rewards in heaven from God, for Christ is our reward and He rewards all of His children equally with the blessedness of eternal glory which He Himself and by Himself earned for us. Christ told His disciples that where the life of the Vine (Christ Himself) has borne its branches (redeemed and regenerated sinners), there will be fruit (John 15:1ff.). Where there is spiritual life, there of necessity must be spiritual fruit for necessary uses.

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