How to Avoid Times of Depression

But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. - Jude 1:20-21

    Someone asked, "How can I avoid these times of depression, indifference, and bad attitude toward others?" First, there is no perfection in the flesh! While we do not approve of our infirmities, failures, evil thoughts, or backslidings, we are, nevertheless, aware of their source; the flesh. And, because of that, we are also aware of the fact that this conflict and warfare will be with us until death. However, the next time you are plagued with coldness of spirit, prolonged bad attitude, and a worldly spirit, check and see if you are not neglecting the means of grace and your fellowship with Christ.

    I find that when I am walking with Christ in sweet communion, frequently engaging in private prayer, participating in worship services and Bible study, and reading the Word of God, it is easier to forgive others, easier to overcome pride, envy, and jealousy, and I am less interested in material things and more interested in that which is of the Spirit. But if I neglect these means of grace I suddenly become more interested in those things which I really despise and begin acting in a way that is not glorifying to God.

    If we will learn the power of his precious blood, dwell in him, feed upon his Word, and seek to occupy our thoughts with his gracious presence, then we will see our tempers controlled, our hearts filled with love for him and others, and our feet and hands swift to do works of faith and labors of love.

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