A Real Redemption

    There are those who believe that Jesus Christ died so man would have a chance of being saved.  I do not know that I hate anything more in my soul than to hear someone say that Jesus Christ died so as to make salvation a possibility.  It makes Jesus Christ so little, that He should do so much, and after all, only give us a chance of being saved.  What an insult it is to the Lord Jesus Christ to fix the eternal honor of God in the salvation of sinners upon chance, and that chance to be managed by a poor sinful creature.  No, no.  Thanks be to God for immortal realities and certainties.  What is said concerning what Christ has done?  He has “put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself” (Hebrews 9:26).  “He redeemed us from the curse of the law” (Galatians 3:13).  He has “obtained eternal redemption for us” (Hebrews 9:12).  “He has redeemed us to God” (Revelation 5:9).  To the honor of the Eternal Trinity, it is said, not that the redeemed shall have a chance, but that “the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away” (Isaiah 51:11).  The Lord Jesus Christ has done this great work and He is gone to heaven shouting “victory” for “God is gone up with a shout; the Lord with the sound of a trumpet” (Psalm 47:5).  He rose from the grave as a demonstrative proof that sin was destroyed, law satisfied, God honored, and His people eternally and everlastingly saved. 

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