
    This website is currently edited and operated by Brandan Kraft in Ashland, Kentucky.  It has been publishing the true Gospel since converting from in 2001.   This website contains all the material of the and websites which have been closed and now point to here.  Pristine Grace is dedicated to all the brethren scattered abroad, but especially to the dear brothers and sisters we know and love in Christ.  If you are interested in what we believe, you can read our statement of faith.

     Brandan, and his wife Angie currently attend 13th Street Baptist Church in Ashland, KY.    If you are looking for Gospel Fellowship, please feel free to contact us.

     We copy and paste our articles from a wide source of varying websites on the Internet into Pristine Grace.  We do not attempt to violate copyright restrictions, and if there is a copyright placed on the source article, our policy is to make the copyright made known on our version of the article.  We do not doctor or alter the work of the articles we find except to maybe correct minor typos or spelling errors.  Further, we do not necessarily ask permission to copy articles unless the author explicitly states permission is needed. 

     If you are an author and find your article posted on this website, it is because we really appreciated it in some sense and thought it would benefit our readers.  We do not charge anyone to access this site as we feel that all gospel information should be made available free of charge (Isa 55:1, Prov 23:23).  If you don't want your article on our website, please contact us and we'll remove the requested articles asap.

     Also, there are many articles on this website where we do not agree with the author 100% on every point.  We believe in gleaning truth where it can be found.  All authors have their particular theological strengths and weaknesses.  Read Brandan's Article, Eat the Meat and Spit Out the Bones.  Our posting of an article is not necessarily an endorsement of that particular author, nor is it implied that we consider that author to share the same like faith as us.  For example, we believe that Charles Wesley wrote some wonderful hymns, but we do not endorse him or the rest of his ministry.  We just like and sing some of his hymns.  (And Can it Be, Hark The Herald Angels Sing, etc...) 

"Remember your exalted privilege—you have the Bible in your hands, and are not bound to follow books or preachers any farther than what they teach agrees with the Oracles of Truth. We have great reason to be thankful for the instructions and writings of spiritual menbut they are all fallible, even as ourselves. One is our master, even Christ—what He says, we are to receive implicitly—but we do not owe implicit subjection to the best of our fellow-creatures. The Bereans were commended because they would not implicitly believe even the Apostle Paul—but searched the Scriptures to see whether the things which he taught were true. May the Lord give us a spirit of humility and discernment in all things."

"When we eat an apple—we usually first cut out the blemishes, then eat what is good, and lastly throw the core away. Such a rule I would observe in reading human authors—the best may be defective, and the wisest may be mistaken. We are not only permitted, but enjoined, to call no man master."  - John Newton

     If you find an article that seems to go against the general teaching of this website, please bring it to our attention, and we'll respond to you asap.

     In Free and Sovereign Grace,
     Brandan Kraft - Editor of Pristine Grace

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