Loved with an Everlasting Love
The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. - Jer. 31:3

     God's love to His precious elect did not begin in time. It did not begin with any event. It does not depend on the conversion of the elect person to the Gospel but upon God's pleasure in His crucified, buried, and resurrected Son.

     Can you get your mind around this simple concept? God never ever had any disposition toward His people except Love! It's eternal. It's everlasting. It's Foundational. It's unconditional! All of God's acts of kindness flow from this great Love.

     Election is a fruit of God's love. Adoption is a fruit of God's love. Justification is a fruit of God's love. Sanctification, Regeneration, Faith and Assurance, Perseverence, Resurrection, Glorification and all of salvation all flow from this immeasurable love!

     It has been reasoned by many religionists that God hates his people until they are converted in time. This is a terrible teaching right up there with the teaching of "common grace" and may be even worse. Oh how horrible to think of such things! Did Jesus actually hate His people when He hung on the cross? No of course not! That was the ultimate act of love and to suggest otherwise is to profane and curse Christ.

For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. - Mal 3:6

     God's love toward His people does not change. He has not decreed to love, hate, and then love again. His love is steadfast and has accomplished eternal salvation for His people and He continues to love them from eternity through their birth, their unregenerate life of sin, their converted state and through the rest of their lives. Is this not the security His people need? If God's affections toward His people were changing, there would be no assurance that His love for them will not change in the future.

     Child of God, may God's love fill your soul with unspeakable joy. Meditate on it and ponder the unfathomable riches of His Everlasting and Unchanging Love.

     Grace and Peace,

Topics: Pristine Grace Gospel Distinctives
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