God Must Deal With Our Sin

     It is a fact that God who is holy and just and righteous MUST punish our sins. He will by no means clear the guilty (Ex. 34:7), and the soul that sins must surely die (Ezek. 18:4,20) because death is the just wages of sin (Rom. 6:23). If God were to fail to punish even one sin, He would as soon cease to be God. Yet, the psalmist wrote, “He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities” (Psalm 103:10). Notice this verse does not say, “God hath not death with our sins.” It says, “God hath not dealt WITH US after our sins.” Children of God, God most certainly has dealt with our sins. He dealt with our sins in strict justice when He dealt with them as they were imputed (charged, accounted, credited) to Christ and as He punished His beloved Son for all our sins at one time on Calvary. God must deal with sin either in the sinner or in the one and only substitute and surety for sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ had to die for the sins of His people. Sinner, without Christ God will have to deal with you after your sins, and that means eternal damnation. But thank God that He has a people whom He sent His Son to redeem with the price of His blood. Therefore in our salvation, God is just to justify us and bring us to glory; for He has dealt with our sins in Christ.

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