True Religion

     True religion arises out of a true knowledge of God as He is revealed in the Scriptures. True religion arises out of a true knowledge of man as he is described in the Scriptures. True religion arises out of a sense and understanding of the great things God has done for sinners in the Lord Jesus Christ. True religion produces a well-grounded hope in the soul, based upon the word of God. True religion produces a spirit of love and surrender of one’s self to Jesus Christ as Lord. True religion will make the goodness and grace of God to me to be the principle and model of my conduct to others. True religion presses upon men three goals not attainable in the flesh, but the seed of which is planted here and begins to grow: (1) Total commitment to Jesus Christ; (2) Total communion with Jesus Christ; and (3) Total conformity to Jesus Christ.

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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