I Just Preach Christ

    Whenever someone asks me if I am a Calvinist, I reply, “I believe the doctrines of grace that are commonly referred to as the five points of Calvinism, but I do not preach those doctrines. I just preach Christ.”

    God has commanded us to preach Christ. Sinners must believe on Christ not the doctrines of grace. However, I contend that if a sinner believes on Christ they will automatically believe the doctrines of grace.

    If a person believes on Christ they will believe that they are totally depraved. (Job 42:5-6) If a person believes on Christ they will believe that the Lord had to elect them unto salvation before the foundation of the world because they never could do anything to deserve salvation. God’s election of a people gives God all the glory and puts man in the dust where he belongs. (I Cor. 1:26-31) If a person believes on Christ they will believe that Christ died for God’s elect and only God’s elect and there is no way that any of those people can perish. (John 17:9) If a person believes on Christ they will believe that they need the Holy Spirit to call them to Christ, reveal Christ to them, and give them new life in the new birth through the preaching of the gospel. (I Peter 1:23-25)

    Therefore, “I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” (I Cor. 2:2)

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